Long Term Focus
In the short-term, the market is driven by emotion, investor psychology, and a fair amount of randomness. Long-term, the market is driven by investment quality, income, and value. We choose a long-term view when we make investments for our clients. Long-term growth takes time. History shows that patience and paying attention to the fundamentals of investment result in solid performance.
Risk Management
Asset allocation—the mix between stocks, bonds, and cash—has the most impact on risk and returns. We determine an appropriate diversified investment portfolio based on your goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance. We want your input because the right structure depends on your specific circumstances. Our educational, in-depth process helps us determine the right investment mix for you.
Keep It Simple
Our industry has made the investment process more complex than it needs to be. We follow a smart approach to investing that focuses on quality, current income, cash flow, and valuation. Balance sheet strength and dividend yields serve as performance markers. We don't ask, "What is the best stock to invest in right now?" We take a long term view, do not focus on quarter to quarter performance, and believe in patience in investing.
Fee Based Structure
We are compensated based on the assets under management, rather than by commissions. We do not sell high cost insurance product or mutual funds that pay upfront commissions. This structure aligns our interests with our client’s interests and eliminates the incentive for trade activity or product selection based on payout. We are here to serve you.
Control Costs
Over time, minor differences in cost have a significant impact on your return. We avoid high cost mutual funds and insurance products. Instead, we focus on individual securities and low cost mutual funds to reduce what you pay. Assuming a 5% return, saving 2% on fees for a $500,000 investment could provide $58,000 of annual income for 20 years. Make your money work for you.